Sensor Triad

Due to their material properties (e.g. low TEC), ceramic sensor packages are particularly well suited for use in combination with silicon MEMS sensor elements minimize thermal stresses and thus minimize drifts in the sensor signal. The flexible arrangement of individual uniaxial precision sensor elements (developed at FhG ENAS) on an additively manufactured functionalized 3D ceramic substrate (FhG IKTS) increases the number of detection detection directions and ensures homogeneous performance across all sensor axes. The direct functionalization of the ceramic substrate also enables the effective electrical connection of individual elements of the sensor system and saves the production and assembly of additional circuit boards. All in all, you get through the use of additive manufacturing in combination with ceramic materials a flexible platform on the basis of which on which compact and robust precision sensor systems can be can be built. This iteration cycles can be significantly shortened and the and the geometry of the sensor systems can be the boundary conditions and requirements of the surrounding systems.


Fraunhofer IKTS


Dr.-Ing. Uwe Scheithauer,